InCadence wins DOD biometrics system support work

InCadence Strategic Solutions has won a task order to support a Defense Department identity operations system that uses biometrics.
InCadence Strategic Solutions has won a $20 million task order to support the program manager of the Defense Department’s biometrics office.
The company will provide global operations, maintenance, software and communications engineering support as well as hardware/software procurement for the Near Real Time Identity Operations system.
NRTIO supports force protection by providing identity information of foreign fighters to U.S. forces. It also allows the sharing of biometric data with U.S. allies and coalition partners.
The task order was awarded under the Responsive Strategic Sourcing for Services (RS3) contract, a $37.4 billion multiple-award vehicle. The Incadence task order has a 12-month base and a 12-month option period.
“This effort represents a critical opportunity for InCadence to support the warfighter with technology, innovation and efficiencies, while providing global operational support,” said Sandy Corbett, InCadence chairman and CEO.
NEXT STORY: GAO: Contractor ownership raises concerns at DOD