18F facing complaints after reverse auction sees $1 bid

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The General Services Administration is facing complaints after the winning bidder of an 18F reverse auction to buy code for the agency resulted in a $1 bid.

Editor's Note: Complaints have been voiced via Twitter. So far, no official complaints have been made.

The General Services Administration is facing complaints after the winning bidder of an 18F reverse auction to buy code for the agency resulted in a $1 bid., according to FCW.

The winning bidder, Brendan Sudol, has a steady job at a startup and felt he could afford to throw the government a bone, FCW reported, but his methods have others questioning the legality of his offer.

Complaints question whether it is legal for the government to pay less than minimum wage as well as the bidding setup.

But GSA and 18F are standing by the auction, which started at $3,499 so they could follow micropurchase rules, as a success.