WikiLeaks no-peeking order: Silly or serious?

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Even though WikiLeaks has published pages and pages and pages of secret cables and documents, federal employees are under orders not to look at them.

Will you peek?

Even though WikiLeaks has published pages and pages and pages of secret cables and documents, federal employees are under orders not to look at them.

Seriously. The the Obama administration and the Defense Department have ordered employees to avoid looking unless they have appropriate security clearances.

Which of course, seems ridiculous. The documents are there, available to anyone. Are feds who are interested really going to avoid looking because they're told to?

Or then again, maybe they will. Maybe the federal workforce is so disciplined that they will heed the request and shield their delicate eyes from the brazen display of forbidden fruit.

What do you think? Is this an order that people will obey? Will you?