Internet Alliance names new executive director

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The D.C.-based Internet, e-commerce and technology advocacy group hopes the appointment of Tammy Cota will make a clear statement to lawmakers.

Tammy Cota has been named executive director of the Internet Alliance, according to an announcement from the Direct Marketing Association, which owns the alliance.  She is director of policy at Kimbell Sherman Ellis, a strategic communications firm in Montpelier, Vt., with offices in Washington, D.C.

The Internet Alliance is an Internet, e-commerce and technology advocacy group, according to its Web site. Cota has served as interim director since July 2009, when former executive director Emily Hackett retired.

Cota’s appointment comes at a time when many state legislatures are debating bills related to the Internet, said Direct Marketing Association Executive Vice President Linda Woolley.

“The challenges and opportunities we face this year are great,” Woolley said. “We have expanded our staff to better represent our members and deliver a clear, consistent message to lawmakers.”