ITS to upgrade State telecommunications worldwide

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QinetiQ North America’s ITS Corp. subsidiary will upgrade the State Department’s telecommunications system under a five-year contract that has a maximum value of $100 million.

QinetiQ North America’s ITS Corp. subsidiary will upgrade the State Department’s telecommunications system under a five-year contract that has a maximum value of $100 million.

The General Services Administration’s Janus II contract calls for ITS to replace or upgrade telecommunications at American embassies and posts worldwide for both the State Department and other U.S. foreign affairs agencies.

State’s Foreign Posts Telephone Branch is in the process of replacing its overseas telephone systems with newer digital switching technolog, QinetiQ officials said.

Janus II will continue the upgrades begun under the preceding Department of State Telephone Equipment Contract (DOSTEC) and Janus I, under which approximately 258 overseas locations were upgraded.

QinetiQ North America’s Mission Solutions Group will design and install the telecommunications systems for the Foreign Posts Telephone Branch so that they meet department operational requirements for existing and future embassy buildings.

QinetiQ North America will deliver the state-of-the-art systems through GSA’s Applications’ N Support for Widely-diverse End-user Requirements (ANSWER) IT services governmentwide acquisition contract.

Nortel Government Solutions will assist with product delivery and implementation.

QinetiQ North America, of Fairfax, Va., ranks No. 34 on Washington Technology’s 2009 Top 100 list of the largest federal government prime contractors.