CSC to support DHS verification system

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Computer Sciences Corp. will continue to provide IT services to DHS' Citizenship and Immigration Services under a new task order.

Computer Sciences Corp. will continue to provide information technology services to the Homeland Security Department's Citizenship and Immigration Services under a new $53 million task order.

Under terms of the award, CSC will supply the DHS division and its Verification Information System with help desk support, systems training and security, strategic business system planning, business intelligence analysis and performance testing and measurement services.

The task order also calls for CSC to continue to ensure that the Verification Information System meets all operational requirements of the Real ID Act of 2005, which, among other things, establishes national standards for state-issued driver's licenses and non-driver's identification cards.

In addition, CSC will also ensure that the Verification Information System meets state and federal legislation on the use of E-Verify, a key data source for the electronic verification of immigrants' status when they apply for driver's licenses, Social Security cards and other benefits eligibility.

The Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions task order has a one-year base period and four one-year options.

CSC of El Segundo, Calif., ranks No. 11 on Washington Technology's 2007 Top 100 list of the largest federal government prime contractors.