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The Kansas Labor Department wants a contractor to modernize an unemployment insurance benefits systems. The existing system runs on an IBM Corp. mainframe developed more than three decades ago that does not support online processing.A request for proposals is expected in August.Minnesota's Criminal Apprehension Bureau wants a contractor to upgrade an automated fingerprint identification system. The upgrade must connect the fingerprint identification system to other systems. The bureau has identified technology advances and new features that are needed to support subject identification across the criminal justice process.An RFP is expected in March.The Social Services Division in the Delaware Health and Social Services Department wants a contractor to provide an enterprise data warehouse and decision support system. The winning contractor will furnish systems integration services, hardware, software and application tools needed to build the system.An RFP is expected in June.Michigan's IT and Community Health departments want a contractor to install a Web-based Women, Infants and Children information system. The system should administer Michigan's special supplemental food program for women, infants and children, funded by the U.S. Agriculture Department. In doing so, it should improve services to participants as well as streamline clinical staff work.An RFP is expected in June.The Texas Health and Human Services Commission wants a contractor to offer a model for health care services delivery to foster children who are at risk or victims of child abuse and neglect.An RFP is expected in March.These opportunities are compiled by Federal Sources Inc., a market research firm in McLean, Va. (www.fedsources.com)
Insurance system for Kansas

Minn. needs fingerprint system

Del. wants data warehousing

WIC info system in Mich.

Texas shops for foster care