Letter to the editor: Life doesn't grant degrees

As the holder of a master's in business administration, a bachelor's and the equivalent of another master's in counseling and vocational evaluation, all from accredited institutions, I am not surprised at the dishonesty of many, yet continue to be appalled.

As the holder of a master's in business administration, a bachelor's and the equivalent of another master's in counseling and vocational evaluation, all from accredited institutions, I am not surprised at the dishonesty of many, yet continue to be appalled.

When I read of the life experience ploy, I could not help but laugh. I feel no empathy or sympathy for those who have been caught. By their actions, they prevented legitimately educated and qualified people from advancing.

The article indicated that some disciplinary action, not necessarily dismissal, might be taken. My question is simple: How can there be any action other than dismissal? I also would add restriction from future employment with any government entity or contractor. I assume some of these people hold high-level security clearances. Those, too, should be revoked.

During the Vietnam conflict, at the peak of the Cold War, I worked in the Army Security Agency and held the highest possible clearances because of my activities. For that reason, I do not feel I am being too harsh.

Applying the rationale for granting advanced degrees, given my legitimate graduate degree and life experiences, would it be safe to assume my doctorate is in the mail? Better make it two doctorates, or possibly three. I've lived a lot.


Paul Loveall, Technology Consultant

N.C. Division of Services for the Blind,

Winston-Salem, N.C.