Evans highlights council plans

	Helping agencies get green scores on the President's Management Agenda is high on the list of priorities for the federal CIO Council, said Karen Evans, Energy Department CIO and vice chairman of the council.

Helping agencies get green scores on the President's Management Agenda is high on the list of priorities for the federal CIO Council, said Karen Evans, Energy Department CIO and vice chairman of the council.

"If you look at the criteria, these are things we should have been doing all along," said Evans, who spoke April 8 at FOSE.

Evans said the CIO Council would focus on six priorities:

* Working with the Office of Management and Budget to guide and shape policy.

* Providing policy formulation advice to OMB.

* Developing an IT architecture governance process.

* Establishing work-force IT project management training programs and managing IT as an investment.

* Developing transactions standards for the government.

* Developing taxonomy and extensible markup language definitions that would apply across government.

NEXT STORY: HSD developing IT architecture