Debriefings: Good, bad or ugly?

The research phase on our next WT Insider Report continues, so take our survey and share your thoughts on the quality of agency debriefings.

The research phase for our next WT Insider Report is continuing, so use this link and take our survey on the quality of agency debriefings.

We want to know what kind of value you get from them, how they can be improved and how you gather lessons learned.

As disappointing as it is when companies lose, there is a strong desire to gather lessons learned. But I’ve heard many complaints over the years about the poor quality of debriefings.

The survey that is going out is just the first step in our research. We’ll also be talking to companies about their experiences. CLICK HERE to take our survey.

Our final report will include the quantitative results of the survey along with real examples of good and bad debriefings and how companies move forward from there.

The names of interview subjects and anything that can identify a specific company will be kept confidential.

The survey should only take a handful of minutes, but there also are several opportunities to describe your experiences and actions. Again, we won’t include any identifiable information in our final report.

I encourage you to take the survey and share your thoughts on this important topic.