2007 Top 100

39: Vangent Inc. (formerly Pearson Government Solutions)
Top 100 Revenue: $396,724,144
Defense Revenue: $34,799,384
Civilian Revenue: $361,924,760
2006 Revenue: $1.2 billion
2006 Earnings: $100 million
2005 Revenue: N/A
2005 Earnings: N/A
Number of employees: 5500
Headquarters: Arlington, Va.
Website: www.vangent.com
Leadership: Mac Curtis, president and CEO
Ticker: N/A
Lines of business: Consulting, systems integration, human capital management and business process outsourcing
Major customers: Census Bureau, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Air Force and Defense Logistics Agency
Major contracts/projects: The Air Force hired Vangent to develop content for its Total Force Competencies Curriculum Development. The company is developing Web-based courses, field practica and a faculty readiness module to support company grade officer development. Vangent is also managing the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services'' Beneficiary Contact Center program. A recent contract win with CMS expands and continues the company''s work for an additional two and a half years in support of the 1-800-MEDICARE Help Line. The Census Bureau also recently hired Vangent as part of the Lockheed Martin team to develop and deploy the Decennial Response Integration System for the 2010 Census.