Tips for Dealing with Excessive Public Records Requesters and the Media

Every jurisdiction has its excessive requesters (also known as vexatious or serial requesters) that have learned that they are allowed to submit an unlimited number of Public Records requests each day. Although news outlets or media routinely file Public Records/FOIA requests for news stories that benefit the public, they can also be labeled as vexatious requesters due to the sheer volume of requests, as well as the added complexity with regards to timing, sensitivity, or high-profile records requests.

Estimates are that the media accounts for approximately 10% of public records requests to one entity. The remainder are 75% commercial and 15% individuals or non-profit requesters (some of which could be excessive requesters).

In this short, on-demand webinar, veterans records manager Cindi Mansell shares tips and tricks for fulfilling records requests from the media and excessive requesters.

  • Tips for dealing with excessive requesters while remaining compliant
  • An understanding of why the media files records requests and tips for working more productively with the media
  • Utilizing fees and response time to help mitigate the impact

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