Feeling confident about the market? Take our survey and let us know.

We are collecting insights on the market for our quarterly WT Contractor Confidence Index. Take the survey and tell us if you think the market is headed in a good direction.

Are you feeling good or bad about the market? Are business headed in the right direction?

Do you feel your company is going to grow or shrink? Are opportunities increasing? Or not?

Those are the types of questions we ask in our quarterly Washington Technology Contractor Confidence Index survey.

We’ve been collecting data and tracking the sentiment of the market since 2015 and I urge you to make your voice heard through our short survey. To make the index as accurate and valuable as possible, we need you to participate.

Since the start of the Trump administration, our Index number has soared. While it had hovered around the base 100 number, with dips below 100 for several quarters. The index hit a high of 113.3 in the first survey after the start of the Trump administration.

The Trump bump continued with our second quarter survey when the index dropped just slightly to 112.9.

The market has been buoyed by the increases in IT spending and the potential increases in the defense budget.

Whatever your views about the market, we want to hear about them, so take our survey.

To date the WT Contractor Confidence Index has shown that the market is very stable, though the bump following the election of Donald Trump also shows that the market reacts to important events.

But the Index should not be seen as a referendum on Donald Trump as shifts in the market were already underway.

The expectation already was that the budgets and spending were already on the upswing. And we saw that with this year’s Top 100 that showed contract revenue in fiscal 2016 increased for the first time in many years. I think Trump’s election and generally more pro-business philosophy also had an impact.

With the WT Contractor Confidence Index, we are tracking as closely as possible the sentiment in the market and where people think business is headed.

No one else is measuring this but remember it also is your index so please participate.