Take the WT Contractor Confidence survey

We're still collecting data for our quarterly WT Contractor Confidence Index. Let your voice be heard as we track the mood in the market. Are you feeling good about things? Let us know.

We launched the survey for the WT Contractor Confidence Index this week, and you still have an opportunity to participate.

By taking the survey, you can help us gauge the mood in the market, and how people feel about the direction the market is headed.

The questions center around your thoughts on expected revenue growth, hiring, job satisfaction and other factors that will determine how confident you feel about the market.

We’ll repeat the survey each quarter which will let us track the ups and downs in the market and identify other trends.

Your individual answers will be completely confidential. We are only interested in the aggregate information and the insights we can glean from that data.

Click here to take the survey.

We’ll publish the results on our website and as the quarters click by, I’m sure we’ll uncover some trends that will be valuable to you.