VA gathers feedback for new program management system

The Veterans Affairs Department wants to replace its current program management information system with a new one, including support services.

The Veterans Affairs Department is considering replacing its current project management information systems with a new one including support services

In a new request for information, the VA’s Office of Construction and Facilities Management (CFM) wants a company to provide it with licenses to PMIS software, along with comprehensive support services for deployment.

The contract would be for five years, and, based on the feedback from the RFI, the VA could set aside a future acquisition to small businesses.

CFM’s day-to-day PM decisions require distribution and review of documentation from a variety of stakeholders for analysis, justification, and approval. The office uses PMIS to improve accountability and collaboration while keeping a digital record of its program management decisions and supporting information.

The VA released the RFI Aug. 24. Responses are due by Aug. 30.