Eight sequester cuts worth watching

OMB has released its list of the first cuts to come under sequestration. We pick out just eight that might hit contractors the hardest.

The Office of Management and Budget released a breakdown of cuts March 1 that must be implemented now as part of sequestration.

Several cuts likely will have an immediate effect on contractors. Among the cuts in its report to Congress, we highlight these eight:

  • $212 million NASA space operations
  • $44 million from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Affordable Insurance Exchange grants
  • $31 million from the Defense Department’s acquisition workforce development fund
  • $29 million from the National Institute of Standard and Technology’s scientific and technical research
  • $17 million from IRS business systems modernization
  • $16 million from Homeland Security Department’s office of the chief information officer
  • $15 million National Science Foundation research and related activities
  • $10 million from Housing and Urban Development’s IT portfolio