Is bipartisanship good for business?

When we asked if bipartisanship was good for business, WT readers gave overwhelming support for one answer.

Our State of the Union asked whether bipartisanship would be good for contractors and the most popular response was yes.

Fifty percent said that bipartisanship would be bring more opportunities to contractors. Only 19 percent voted in favor of gridlock, picking the “Gridlock is better for business answer.”

Thirty percent responded that bipartisanship made no difference when it came to business opportunities.

The poll: After listening to the State of the Unon address, do you believe more bipartisanship will equate to more business for contractors?

Yes, more opportunities: 50 percent

No, gridlock is better for business: 19 percent

Bipartisanship doesn’t make a difference: 30 percent