Online Extra: Biometric opportunities

Listing of contract opportunities in the federal agencies in the field of biometrics security.

Homeland Security Department
  • Application Support Centers Worldwide, RFP expected November 2003. This may include collecting biometrics from all immigration-benefits applicants (about 7 million annually), and significantly expanding or relocating biometrics collection overseas.

  • US Visit, RFP expected November 2003. Using two biometric identifiers, such as fingerprints or iris scans, the Visit system is intended to check business travelers, foreign tourists, students or any other legitimate groups of people who are coming into the United States and track their departures.

  • TWIC, white papers submitted. The intent of the Transportation Workers Identification Credential is to provide one standardized, common credential, supported by a single integrated and secure network of databases, to manage transportation worker access into secure transportation areas and operations.

  • Optical Reader/Writer Systems, RFP released July 22, awards not yet announced. This is for the INS to read, write and authenticate the biometrics stored on the encoded optical stripe of the Border Crossing Card and display the encoded data of the Permanent Resident Card.

Justice Department
  • Fingerprint Card Scanning Services, RFP release undetermined. This is to convert fingerprints on cards to digital format for the FBI.

State Department
  • Intelligent Passport with Embedded Integrated Circuit, RFP release undetermined. This is to include an integrated circuit on passports that can include facial biometrics.