Brief: Gas line conduit

<FONT SIZE=2>A research subsidiary of San Diego natural gas provider Sempra Energy, called Sempra Fiber Links, is developing fittings to run fiber-optic cables through natural gas pipelines without disrupting the flow of gas, eliminating the costly need of trenching new ground to add lines. </FONT>

A research subsidiary of San Diego natural gas provider Sempra Energy, called Sempra Fiber Links, is developing fittings to run fiber-optic cables through natural gas pipelines without disrupting the flow of gas, eliminating the costly need of trenching new ground to add lines.

In a pilot, the company is running fibers through natural gas lines in Fort Worth, Texas, owned by Dallas-based energy services provider TXU Corp. If successful, TXU hopes to build out a network for networking companies interested in offering broadband service.


NEXT STORY: Brief: Government 'blogging'