Senate seeks vendors for telecom modernization

Find opportunities — and win them.

The Senate is seeking qualified bidders as it begins a project to overhaul its existing telecommunications system.

Washington Technology's .

The Senate is seeking qualified bidders as it begins a project to overhaul its existing telecommunications system.

In a recent notice, the Senate Office of the Sergeant at Arms said it is looking to transition from its Time Division Multiplex voice network-managed solution to one based on Internet Protocol Telephony (IPT). Responses are due Oct. 31.

Under the Senate's telecommunications modernization project, the winning vendor will be expected to:

  • review the existing infrastructure design and suggest modifications to the IPT

  • develop an IPT-enabled network architecture

  • install and test necessary hardware and software

  • conduct the transition from the old to the new system and

  • provide operation support and training for the new system.

Rob Thormeyer is a writer forsister publication,Government Computer News