Major cyberattacks could hit critical infrastructure networks by 2025

Cyberattacks have grown more dangerous over time, and a major cyberattack will likely hit a U.S. critical infrastructure network before 2025, according to the leader of the NSA.

Cyberattacks have grown more dangerous over time, and a major cyberattack will likely hit a U.S. critical infrastructure network before 2025, FCW quoted National Security Agency director Adm. Michael Rogers as saying.

Rogers recently appeared on Capitol Hill to discuss cybersecurity with a lame-duck Congress already hunkered down with bills about issues like appropriations and defense authorization. One particular cyber bill that passed the House last year has a counterpart in the Senate that is expected to pass, FCW reported.

While on the Hill, Rogers said that industrial control systems – the systems that keep critical infrastructure like energy and financial systems running – are becoming targets for cyber threats in the future, FCW reported.