Leveraging the cloud for data analytics

It makes a ton of sense to analyze big data in the cloud, argues Wikibon's Jeff Kelly. The cost and time benefits might just outweigh the security risks.

Big data and the cloud go hand-in-hand, according to Silicon Angle, and analyzing big data in the cloud makes more sense than bringing it in-house, Silicon Angle quoted Wikibon’s Jeff Kelly as saying.

The public cloud offers an environment conducive to testing proof-of-concepts. Of course, some organizations are hesitant to use the public cloud when doing analytics, considering how you’d be moving sensitive data to a provider’s remote facilities.

Kelly said that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages and this is mainly because third party transactions created and stored outside an organization’s data center are in the cloud already, and it costs less money and time to move terabytes of internal data to the cloud than it does to move petabytes of tweets and other unstructured interactions to a corporate data center.

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