People to meet

J. EDWARD COLEMAN Coleman is thenew chairman and chiefexecutive officer ofUnisys Corp., replacingJoseph McGrath. Unisysis touting him as atransformation leader.But it's unclear what that will mean forUnisys. In his most recent role as CEO ofGateway Inc., Coleman restructured thatcompany, culminating in its acquisitionby Acer Inc. But at Arrow Electronics, heled the company into international marketsand brought a new emphasis onsoftware and services. He did the sameat CompuDom, where he was CEO andchairman. He changed that company'sbusiness model from being a reseller toa services company. EDWARD "TED" DAVIES Davies will play a major role inColeman's efforts to revitalize Unisys asthe new president of Unisys FederalSystems. He replaced Greg Baroni, whoabruptly left the company to pursueother interests. It has been a rough yearfor Unisys Federal, particularly with itswork at the Transportation SecurityAdministration. The company had heldthe agency's information technologyinfrastructure contract, worth more than$1 billion, since 2002, when TSA wasformed. But the agency bumped thecompany out of the competition for thenext contract. Unisys Federal filed andwon a protest and is now back in thecompetition. That contract generates asignificant part of the unit's more than$1 billion in annual revenue.




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