About our numbers

Our Top 25 rankings are based on statistics from the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Our Top 25 rankings are based on statistics from the Bureau of EconomicAnalysis, which collected data on the number of federal civilian and militaryjobs around the country. The data was broken down by county, and 2005 wasthe most recent year available.Our goal is to identify areas that can represent business opportunities forcontractors. Because no one collects data on government contractor jobs bycity or county, we focused on the number of government employees. Our premiseis that where there are a lot of government employees, there will be contractorssupporting them.We eliminated counties in the Washington area because that region was byfar No. 1. Next we identified the major cities inside the counties, because thecities are better known. For example, Colorado Springs, Colo., is in El PasoCounty, Colo. We also combined some counties and cities into one listing, suchas Dallas, because the region stretches over multiple jurisdictions. We rankedthe cities by total government jobs.We welcome your feedback; please e-mail nwakeman@1105govinfo.com.