Another day, another delay for NGEN RFI

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UPDATE: Still no RFI for the $3.4 billion NGEN recompete as the Navy promised on Sept. 15.

UPDATE: The Navy released the RFI Friday afternoon, click here for our coverage.

Maybe the Navy is just teasing us.

They put out an announcement on Tuesday that the release of a request for information would be out on Wednesday to start the recompete process for the $3.4 billion Next Generation Enterprise Network. But Wednesday came and went with nothing, and now Thursday is about to slip by and still silence.

The exact wording of the announcement was that the RFI would be out “on or about Sept. 16.” So what exactly does “on or about” mean if it’s not Sept. 16, and now it looks like it isn’t going to be Sept. 17?

No word from the Navy on the reasoning behind the delay.

I dug up an notice on Deltek that said Navy officials were predicting that the RFI would be out in July, so I guess the delay is more than a day or two.

I know RFI will be out soon, and "on or about" that day, I’ll write something about it. Until then, I wait.

The current NGEN contract is held by Hewlett-Packard, which won the contract in 2013. The contract is expected to expire in June 2018. HP also was the incumbent on the Navy-Marine Corps Intranet contract that NGEN replaced.